ePANACEA launched their Regional Exploitation Board activities successfully. The five Regional Exploitation Boards (REBs) strive to cover all EU27+UK+Norway and consist of important European stakeholders related to national EPC activities. During the last weeks, the ePANACEA REB leaders consolidated their boards and organised their first virtual meetings:
- Western REB, led by VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V) on 27th November 2020
- Southwestern REB, led by CENER (National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain) on 30th November 2020
- Central REB, led by EASt (Energy Agency of Styria) on 1st December 2020
- Southeastern REB, led by CRES (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving) on 3rd December 2020
- Northern REB, led by VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland ) on 9th December 2020
In total, more than 50 relevant EPC experts from approx. 21 countries are expected to participate in these online meetings.
Main aim of these meetings is to gather feedback on innovative features of EPC and their implementation feasibility in national EPC schemes, to evaluate relevant novel technologies and to reflect the first results of the ePANACEA user need analysis for improving the user friendliness of the EPC.
The conclusions of all five meetings will serve as important pillar for the tasks of the upcoming months. A public summary will be provided in a compact meeting report by January 2021.