We would like to announce the user-needs workshops which will take place until mid January 2021. First, through stakeholder interviews, we explored stakeholders’ knowledge, use and interest regarding the EPC and who and what influences end users’ decision. Now we plan to conduct user-needs workshop in the 5 pilot countries Spain, Belgium, Finland, Austria, and Greece, as well as in Germany. The objective of the user-needs workshops is to explore stakeholders’ needs and interests regarding the EPC more in-depth and to differentiate perceptions and needs among stakeholders and different types of end users.
The user-needs workshops will take place in mid of December and end users of EPC as well as other stakeholders are invited to take part. The workshop, with in total 15 participants, will have a duration of approx. 2 hours and will be conducted by project partners in the pilot countries. The workshops will take place in the respective native language of the countries, except in Finland where the workshop will take place in English.
We are planning to reward participants with a little gift, related to our project. If you want to support the ePANACEA project by participating in a user-needs workshop and would like to receive more information about it, please contact us at contact@epanacea.eu