The ePANACEA project participated in the workshop “EPCs: Measuring Building Performance and Operational Rating” at Sustainable Places 2022 which took place on 7 September 2022 hybridly. 

11+3 projects were presented focusing on the digital transformation of the EU building renovation market. The main goal of the workshop was to support healthy, safe, energy efficient, flexible and zero-emission buildings by 2050. Nowadays, considering measuring building performance and adding operational ratings, to guarantee buildings actually perform as intended in operation, is paramount. There is a need for an overall framework to be followed as guidelines to be effective in achieving the EU’s climate and energy goals and fully leverage the digitalisation of the built environment in the process.

The ePANACEA project presented three different methodologies regarding the operational rating for measuring building performance. The first methodology is based on BEM (EPC Regulation) and the other two concern optimisation, retrofit planning and energy audit that focus on the actual conditions of use and an inverse modelling (model calibration).

We would like to give sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the workshop. 

You can check the workshop here if you missed it.