After 10 years of track record, the current Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) schemes across the EU face several challenges which have led to not fully accomplish their initial objectives: lack of accuracy, a gap between theoretical and real consumption patterns, absence of proper protocols for inclusion of smart and novel technologies, little convergence across EU schemes, lack of trust in the market and very little user awareness related to energy efficiency.
The objective of the ePANACEA project is to develop a holistic methodology for energy performance assessment and certification of buildings that can overcome the above mentioned challenges. The vision is ePANACEA becoming a relevant instrument in the European energy transition through the building sector.
ePANACEA comprises the creation of a prototype (the Smart Energy Performance Assessment Platform) making use of the most advanced techniques in dynamic and automated simulation modelling, big data analysis and machine learning, inverse modelling or the estimation of potential energy savings and economic viability check.
iENER’22 Congress (2022 07 06-07)
In the context of national level events of the ePANACEA project, María Fernández Boneta from CENER, coordinator of the project, has participated in the 3rd International Congress on E [...]
U-CERT & X-tendo projects’ final conference (2022 07 06)
The ePANACEA project is part of the Next Gen EPCs cluster with 10 more Horizon 2020 projects. VITO, partner of ePANACEA, represented the project in the U-CERT & X-tendo final conf [...]
Sesión informativa sobre el nuevo indicador, SRI (2022 06 30)
The online workshop "Sesión informativa sobre el nuevo indicador, SRI, de la UE para el Potencial de Inteligencia de los Edificios" took place on 30 June 2022. The ePANACEA project ex [...]