Regional Exploitation Boards (REBs)
A relevant part of the ePANACEA project is to have a fluent dialogue with European policy makers, certification bodies, end-users and other stakeholders through two types of participatory actions: a feedback loop with policy makers to be carried out through the so called Regional Exploitation Boards (REBs) covering EU-27+Norway+UK, while a dialogue with end-users will be established by means of specific thematic workshops.
The Regional Exploitation Boards (REBs) represent an important pillar of ePANACEA. The project aims to establish a fluent dialogue with different European stakeholders with special focus on national/regional policy makers and certification bodies, which are directly involved in the implementation of the different EPC schemes and are responsible for energy regulations development in their own regions/countries. Therefore, the REBs are composed of these important regional European stakeholders, as well as consumer associations, building products manufacture associations, professional associations, etc. The dialogue is moderated by the ePANACEA project partners.
The REB members will be involved in the definition of the energy assessment methodology, in its validation and evaluation, and in supporting local dissemination actions. This feedback loop will allow ePANACEA to develop an upgraded EPC methodology, suitable for national requirements of the stakeholders.
The Regional Exploitation Boards (REBs) are organised based on their geographical location. In total, there will be five REBs established, in order to cover all EU Member States (EU27+Norway+UK).
31 European institutions expressed their commitment already at the proposal stage. During the project’s progress, more institutions will be brought onboard by the REB leaders.
The Southwestern REB covers the countries: Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain.
The Southwestern REB is led by CENER (National Renewable Energy Center of Spain) and includes as members: ADENE – The Portuguese Energy Agency (Agencia para a Energia IPSS); ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile); R2M solutions – Research to market solution company (Italy); MTIP-PDPID – Policy Development and Programme Implementation Directorate, Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and capital projects (Malta); MITMA – Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda of Spain, Directorate-General for Urban Agenda and Architecture; IETCC‐CSIC – Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Sciences (Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, Spain) CSIC; FENAGE – Spanish Energy building manager Federation (Federación Nacional de Gestores energéticos); KNX Association – Control and automatization protocol manufacture products Association (EU); CGCOII – General Council of Associations of Industrial Engineers (Consejo General de Colegios de Ingenieros Industriales, Spain); CSAE – Higher Council of Associations of Architects (Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España, Spain).
The Western REB covers the countries: Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
The Western REB is led by VITO (Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V.) and includes as members: Zonnige Kempen – Social Housing Company (Belgium); VEA – Flemish Energy Agency; SEAI – Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland; Energy Saving Trust (UK).
The Central REB covers the countries: Austria, Croatia, The Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, The Slovak Republic, and Slovenia.
The Central REB is led by EASt (Energy Agency of Styria) and includes as members: TU Wien – Technical University of Vienna; SEVEn (Czech Republic); NAPE – National Energy Conservation Agency (Poland); EMI – Company for Control and Innovation in Building (Hungary); Building Testing and Research Institute (Slovak Republic); Building and Civil Engineering institute ZRMK (Slovenia); Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering; Federal real estate company (Austria); Styrian Chamber of Labour (Austria).
The Northern REB covers the countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.
The Northern REB is led by VTT (Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy) and includes as members: MOTIVA – Sustainable Development Company (Finland); TREA – Tartu Regional Energy Agency (Estonia); RIL – Finnish Association of Civil Engineers; NVE – Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate.
The Southeastern REB covers the countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, and Romania.
The Southeastern REB is led by CRES (Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving) and includes as members: SEDA – Sustainable Energy Development Agency (Bulgaria); CEA – Cyprus Energy Agency; Pro-nZEB – Association Cluster for Promoting NZEB Buildings (Asociatia Clusterul Pentru Promovarea Cladirilor Cu Consum de Energie Aproape Egal Cu Zero, Romania); AAECR – Romanian Association of Energy Auditors for Buildings (Asociatia Auditorilor Energetici pentru Cladiri din Romania); PFDC – Pan-Hellenic Federation of Dealers and Craft Glass (Greece); PACEI – Pan-Hellenic Association of Certified Energy Auditors (Greece); YPEN – Ministry of Environment & Energy (Greece); POVAS – Pan-Hellenic Federation of Aluminum and Craft Manufacturers (Greece); Thelcon (Greece).
ePANACEA’s methodology, application and policy recommendations will be fully shared, discussed and demonstrated through the REBs. Member States will be able to adapt and use the ePANACEA approach on their own, taking advantage of the know-how shared in the REBs and of the project’s public deliverables. Therefore, REB members will benefit from the following:
- Free participation in interesting networking events (physical or online) with other European key stakeholders and policy makers in the field of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
- Possibility to actively shape an upgraded EPC methodology and include your national needs
- Exclusive web-access to research results related to the EPC methodology development and bi-directional knowledge transfer
- Gain a deep understanding of an innovative holistic methodology for a new generation of Energy Performance Assessment
- Learn from the experiences in other countries